More footage from World of Warships closed beta test, this time of battleship gameplay! Also, heres another chance to get hold of a beta key! Aircraft Carrier gameplay:…
More footage from World of Warships closed beta test, this time of battleship gameplay! Also, heres another chance to get hold of a beta key! Aircraft Carrier gameplay:…
25 Comments on “World of Warships: Battleships & Beta Keys!”
AgingJedi (Oake)
Well we’ve heard from 2 of the winners already, but unfortunately I’m
having trouble contacting the other 6! They are: René Lund Kristensen,
Sapphiron6107, Patchouli von Darnassus, sealgamech, theDuLLSoN, and Darren
Doyle. Please check your Youtube inboxes guys! Also for anyone else
entering such give-aways in the future please make sure you have
notifications and replies enabled for your comments in your Youtube
settings and that you have the right email address (and check it) in your
account settings — would hate for anyone to miss out :)
AgingJedi (Oake)
Winners of the keys have been notified! Please check your Youtube message
inboxes. Congratulations to the lucky few, apologies to everyone else (wish
I could have given all of you a key!) and a great big thanks to everyone
who was watched, liked, commented and subscribed!
AgingJedi (Oake)
More World of Warships beta gameplay — this time: battleships! And we have
beta keys to hand out!
So I comment, and I have a chance of getting a beta key? hhhhmmmmm… what
to write, what to write… uuuhhhhh… Hi!.. okay, good start, what else…
I LIKE PIE AND I REALLY WANT A WOWS BETA KEY. Yes, yes this is good, now
for the finisher!
Came for a key, stayed for the video. You make definitely enjoyable
Keep them coming.
content. I will check out your other videos for sure
Roarke Suibhne
Excellent! Battleships and Betakeys! Woohoo! Can’t wait to explore your
channel more!
Patchouli von Darnassus
ok Key was valid thx so much!
Chan Kok Keong
Nice gameplay. I am hoping I can play this game very soon. Anyway I
enjoy the gamplay very much, thanks for sharing ^.^
Kevin Best
No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the
Wish me gl :)
Really Informative video actually, Will be checking out your other stuff :D
Abdel Aziz Farhi
Nice review of battle ships. But i think you’re right, cruisers and
destroyers are more fun tonplay. Hopefully i’ll win a key and get to enjou
this new game soon, keep up the good work
Tatpol Chutipat
To be honest, I’m here for the keys without thinking about watching your
videos, but I did watch it and I like it. You showed us how the game works
and what needs to be practice to get a good game play. I really would love
to see you play a destroyer, so I could know how to use the torpedo and all
those stuff, again thanks for the video, love it. Keep up the good work and
don’t forget a destroyer video.BTW, how did you know what you knock out,
did you see it or is it coming up on the screen?(I did not see anything
because I was watching on my phone)
I like your WoWS videos. Very entertaining and informative. I hope you do a
few more.
Sebastian Selkälä
Nice video good comments on how things work with battleships. I’vee been a
big fan of war thunder but this game and the videos has just changed my
opinion. Would love to get a go with this game. Would love to see more
about carriers.
Ponury Ksych
Some guy promised in email beta key in exchange for my kidney. I got cut it
out in private hospital and sent him but he dissapeared and now i dont
have kidney and key. Help me.
Martin Nosovich
The most useful part is «what NOT to do in Battleship»
Taking a
broadside torpedo salvo hurts a lot…
And a question that bothers me — if the previously announced beta key
winners do not claim them, are you going to organise another draft?
Ivo Férin
Excellent video Jedi!
great gameplay tips and a nice run down on game
mechanics! Didn’t know about those «4 repair kits»! Nice BB moves by the
way! Cheers
caleb eames
Thank you for a chance in this. Loved the video
Good choice using the Royal Navy’s Heart of Oak, nice choice!
Peter Matthess
great stuff, love this game and can’t wait to get into it!
stefan vreeke
can i please get one key because my family is very poor and I can’t afford
to buy a game like World of Warships and I have watched your video’s and I
really like WoWS so can I please get a key cuz I love you and your video’s
Jordan Bizzell
great video, first time i have watched your videos and must say nice to
hear a british voice ! Lucky bugger to have access to the beta…. game
looks so good :P.
not going to go on and on, but if you ever need extra BB support i may need
a certain code to help you out 😛
will watch more of your videos, count me as «subscribed»
What i’m wondering, is why did they restrict CBT applications so heavily if
after they just spam keys everywhere
Waiting for open beta , but if one of beta keys lands here is fun too…
cruisers look good , but Battleships… WOW… nice vids… question on exp
wise : how fast can u get to battleships …. ?