World Of Warships Gameplay — Preview — Battleships & Aircraft Carriers The ships you see in the gameplay are the IJN Yamato, the USS Essex and the IJN Nagato…
World Of Warships Gameplay — Preview — Battleships & Aircraft Carriers The ships you see in the gameplay are the IJN Yamato, the USS Essex and the IJN Nagato…
25 Comments on “World Of Warships Gameplay — Preview — Battleships & Aircraft Carriers”
Carrier player till the day I die! What ship will you use? I would use if
Wargaming will allow paper ships..which they will the, carrier Europa.
Check it out
This is a war gaming product. they make the best arcade-sims on the market.
paper ships are A-OK
WT on the other hand…
Tom Francis
HMS Hood or King George V for me
Hugh Jazz
I feel rather doubtful that planes would be doing torpedo runs in weather
that severe…
Jack Daw
Hey Phly! Ever tried out the naval combat in Empire Total War? If you’re
into 17th and 18th century ships it’s pretty sweet.
Eric Biscuit
Seams like the music from American Conquest. Shame that game has almost no
players now. It was so much fun!
The Shermanator
lol is this the NavyField theme?!?!?!?!?! :D
i wonder how’s the game play mechanic going to work, there is no cover on
the sea, so basically the person with the biggest guns wins? also, you
can’t flank people…
Looks fun, I was Navy field player before, Played subs and BB and CV. I
think I will resort to RN and USN most, as I like both battleships and
carriers of those nations, Yorktown and King George V are classes I am
looking forward too.
I would invest most time in RN, USN and IJN, other nations don’t have all
that interesting navy, atleast not to me.
Alright Wargaming. time for a game all about how that torpedo blew open the
entire side of your hull yet you are ok thanks to «hitpoints». Invisible
enemy ships because your crew is drunk unless you play a bajillion hours to
max their stats (or pay for it). A tier/matching system thats intentionally
built so players will always feel inferior and ineffective against enemys
with a higher tier thereby making you more likely to pay to advance
yourself. And best of all: GOLD SHELLS. guaranteed
Did I miss something? Is this a teaser or is it already «playable»?
James McCartney
This actually looks good
Too bad you’ll need a lot of computer power to run this damn game
David Rice
I hope we start out with iron class or dreadnoughts first
Hyterpoint p
how did the zero take off and land in wether like that?
Dat Navyfield music
Frank holey
You guys should look at battle stations miday
That navyfield music! Brings back memories 😀
Man am i looking forward to this. WoT on the high sea, yeah buddy!
Still WoWP is shitty 😛 Glad to have both games tbh,
Nathan Huxley
Read this below and spells a battleship name four or five of them u have to
figure it out
Lance Macaso
Normally they wont fight in that sea condition,its too risky for ships i
mean huge tidal waves and shit
Hooooly crap this looks legit!
Canadian war ships make a appearance in this game?
Daniel Lupták
how you download it? please say it 😀 i really want play this awesome game
Mike Ridlon
Omg fucking goddddd
Tangerine Sedge
Just looking at the tech trees, no USS Enterprise? Are you kidding me?
They’re missing the most decorated ship in US history! I’m disappointed
with you Wargaming. Hopefully they add it later…